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(205) 575-2264
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copyright © 2008-2024 ETC Productions and/or is used with permission. All rights reserved.

Shows, etc.

Absolutely Nothing
Looking for something different and distinctly Birmingham to do? TV and movies just aren't doing it for you the way they used to? Check out one of our shows! We're continually creating new and unique entertainments for our audiences, and we guarantee no reruns.

Check back with us often, as we're always on the lookout for new venues and show dates! Or, if you want to have the funny come to you, you can book us for a private show for your collegiate, corporate, or outdoor festival event!

Unless otherwise noted, all ETC productions are most appropriate for ages 16 and up.

We're opening SEASON SIXTEEN in the Homewood Entertainment District!!
Battle of the Improv Stars August 18 & 19, 2023
Homewood Theatre
1831 28th Avenue South
(at SoHo Square in Homewood)

Improv Jam! September 22, 2023
Birmingham Festival Theatre
1901½ 11th Avenue South
(behind Golden Temple at 5 Points)

Vulcan's Spookypants October 27, 2023
Red Mountain Theatre's Discovery Theatre
1600 Third Avenue South
Birmingham, AL 35233

Holiday 'Splosion! December 8 & 9, 2023
Homewood Theatre
1831 28th Avenue South
(at SoHo Square in Homewood)

To Mock a Killing Bird December 29 - New Year's Eve, 2023
Birmingham Festival Theatre
1901½ 11th Avenue South
(behind Golden Temple at 5 Points)

Vulcan's Underpants
Heart Boxer Edition
February 16 & 17, 2024
Birmingham Festival Theatre
1901½ 11th Avenue South
(behind Golden Temple at 5 Points)

Double Header
St. Patrick's Day Edition
March 15, 2024
7:30pm & 9:30pm
Homewood Theatre
1831 28th Avenue South
(at SoHo Square in Homewood)

Vulcan's Underpants April 13, 2024
Red Mountain Theatre's Discovery Theatre
1600 Third Avenue South
Birmingham, AL 35233

These performances have been canceled.
To Be Announced May 10 & 11, 2024
Birmingham Festival Theatre
1901½ 11th Avenue South
(behind Golden Temple at 5 Points)

The ODDyssey July 19 & 20, 2024
Homewood Theatre
1831 28th Avenue South
(at SoHo Square in Homewood)

* Show dates are tentative, pending final confirmation from the venue.