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Hank Pickens
Country Musician

First Show Appearance: George Foreman presents ETC Cruise!
Played by: Nick Crawford

"Honky Tonk" Hank Pickens has lived the life of an outlaw. Born in San Antonio, Pickens fell in love at a young age with the buckin' bronco lifestyle of the Great American Cowboy. A chance encounter with Waylon Jennings at a gas station in Santa Anna steered Hank to take up the guitar and sing. After touring with Willie, Waylon & The Boys (he was one of the boys) Pickens embarked on a solo career releasing albums like 1972's What Will I Do Without Her? and 1975's Killing Indians which contained the #1 hit single, Honey Toe Lasso, a duet with Kris Kristofferson. Hank had a bad run with the law in his later career as he accumulated 250 DUI's, 13 former wives and terrible addiction to alcohol, cocaine, Antabuse and fightin'. He spends his days reminiscin', pickin' and grinnin'.