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Show Catalog

A dynamic troupe of improvisors - bringing you hilarious, fast-paced improvisation in the style of "Whose Line is it Anyway?" Every show is filled with surprises - for the performers as well as our audience! Our audience members say it best:
  • "That was awesome - my face hurts from laughing!"
  • "I have not laughed that much since I don't know when!"
  • "This was fantastic!"
It's a Halloween version of the original short form improv show that started it all! Classic games like Party Quirks along with some new ones we've created combine to form a dynamite show that's chock full of laughs with a thrilling All Hallows' Eve twist. Show up in costume, and you might just win a prize!
Arthur Totally woke up with a feverish cold, so he called in to the office and pulled out the cough syrup and the TV Guide. He expected to snooze through the same old lineup of daytime television, but soon discovered that the medication (with some help from the audience) had something completely different in store for him...
There's a big time holiday party - but there's only one problem: somebody's committed a murder! This hilarious whodunnit will introduce you to some of the most outrageous suspects and crime solvers you could ever imagine, and with a different group of suspects and new surprises at each performance, no two shows are ever alike. Who did it? You tell us - and see if you can solve our annual Yuletide homicide!
It's a thrill ride of comedy competition! 2 teams face off in improvised battle - each vying for top-notch scores from members of the audience. Whose comedy will reign supreme? Only time - and the audience - will tell!

It's the most improvisors we've ever had on stage in a single show - and they're not pulling any punches! This special show only comes around once in a blue moon - and you do NOT want to miss it!
We have lots of ideas ? too many for all of them to make it to the stage! As ETC closes its first season, we?ll bring you a showcase of funny things that didn?t make it in this year ? as well as some new ones for next year. After the show, the audience will get to vote for what they want to see turned into a full-length show for our upcoming second season! PLUS: a special sneak peek at our big, big second season opener coming in August, 2009!
It's a comic voyage the likes of which you've never seen on a fantastic ship owned by the OTHER George Foreman (the cross-dressing tech mogul - not the pugilist). There's an atmosphere of celebration - but what happens when intrigue strikes on the open seas? Our fearless captain, his hapless crew, and a cast of wacky travelers are sure to make this a journey you won't forget!
A holiday tradition of turkey and dressing is turned on its ear when this wacky family comes together. All the kin folks gather round, and find themselves squaring off against irritating neighbors, a riches-to-rags landlord, and the most challenging thing of all ? themselves. Don?t miss this hilarious send-up of the traditional holiday of gluttony!
It was just another day - until an audience dropped a mystery in Frank Chocula's lap. What seemed a simple case turned into a complex plot involving the seedy world of crime and intrigue. Who will Frank meet - and what perils lie in store? Even we won't know until the audience tells us. Don't miss this hilariously gritty film noir improv show!
Based upon the Chicago-style Harold, Tigers of Tomorrow begins innocently enough with the audience asking questions. The answers to those questions explode into three different story lines which weave themselves together through the hilariously quirky improv you've come to know and love.
We'd like to tell you what it's about or who the characters are - there's just one problem: we won't know until the audience tells us. Will it be a space adventure with atomic schoolmarms? Or perhaps a medical drama plagued by runaway rhinos? There's only one way to find out - come to the show and tell us which way to go!
Election Day is coming - and a cast of typically wacky hopefuls are clamoring for the audience vote! Which two bizarre candidates will make it onto the final ballot? How will they duel it out through a hilariously perilous campaign fraught with whatever scandal, corruption, and lies the audience exposes in their private lives? Come on out and give those politicians the hell you always wanted to - without being labeled a terrorist! AND - cast YOUR vote to determine who wins it all in this hysterical send-up of the political process!
It's a special version of our classic improv games performed but once a year on Christmas night! After the presents and the food, come laugh with us - and possibly get a special present! The whole cast is invited to play, so come see your favorite improvisers in the Yuletide spirit. Happy holidays, y'all!
It's oppressively hot, and the household barely contains the rising tension. Classes, lifestyles, and values collide in fiery clashes on the family porch. Will the family be torn apart by the passions that drive them? Can Southern gentility withstand the blazing July heat? Should there be a character named "Skippy"? All of these questions can be answered, child - out on the hot Southern porch.
Jobs seem to be the big topic on everyone's mind these days, and ETC brings the various jobs of our audience members to the stage in this hilarious vocational comedy! Watch as we follow the career path of one of our guests and see how the jobs they used to have lead them to where they are today. From irritating bosses and oddball coworkers to that one customer you just can't stand, this show will show you exactly where you want to job that shove!
It's everything you love and hate about daytime soaps: the outlandish characters, the lavish locales, and the completely insane problems of the fabulously wealthy and completely ridiculous. Tune in for this hilarious romp with the most unusual cast of characters and uncanny series of twists you can imagine!
The world's greatest private investigator is back, ready to take on any case the audience can throw at him. Missing heiress? Stolen secrets? A bunch of Irish ninjas? Who knows? It's a different hilarious case every night, with twists and turns even we won't see coming. Don't miss the all-new improvised adventures of Frank Chocula, P.I. in FRANK CHOCULA RETURNS!
During the summer, the ETC team cooks up sketches, new game ideas, and all sorts of fun new stuff for our audience. When the Summer Suprise rolls around, we all find out together what it is! It could be silly - it could even be dramatic - but the one thing we always know it will be is a surprise. Don't miss this grab bag of laughs whenever it comes by!
St. Patrick's Day is coming to a small Irish pub - but the audience will throw in some non-traditional traditions and a very special visitor. How will the pub keep up with all the festivities without dissolving into a donnybrook? There'll be more blarney than you can shake a shillelagh at - and they'll need all the luck o' the Irish they can get!
A family comes together for Thanksgiving - and a heaping helping of turkey, dressing, agnst... and some surprises thrown in by the audience. What will become of the family as the veneer begins to crack under the strain of being together? Don't miss this hilarious take on a very Tennessee Williams Turkey Day - and see what happens when a new generation inherits the sins of the father. Your gramma's turkey never tasted this funny...
A single person goes on a TV dating show to select a prospective mate to woo, but when the audience gets to play Cupid, these lovers may find themselves more star-crossed than Rodeo Drive! Will it all work out? Or will Love go bolting for the door? We won't know till you tell us!
The audience is at ground zero of the Zombie Apocalypse as the characters you meet take a sudden deadly funny turn. Where will this apocalypse hit? What causes it? Who will survive? Unlike the real Zombie Apocalypse, you get to make the decisions here.
Remember when the TV networks would give some star of the day a brightly lit Christmas wonderland and 18 guest stars for a spectacle known reverently as the Christmas Special? The ETC cast is bringing back this cheesy tradition of goofy sketches, holiday songs, and some visits from some unexpected (and possibly uninvited!) guests. Sit back and enjoy our salute to the variety shows of yore - and maybe even win a prize!
The Easter Bunny is getting fed up with the "same old same old" and looking to make some kind of a change. When he runs into a dear old friend with a similar problem, the two cook up a crazy idea: Why not swap places? What will become of the candy and eggs - and will the holiest of hares be able to make the cut out in the real world? It's holiday hilarity of fairy tale proportions - and only the audience will decide how it ultimately winds up!
Every summer, Hollywood sends us new big budget blockbusters, with varying degrees of box office success. Now, you get to see what goes on behind the scenes in the making of these films - from the focus groups to the pitch meeting, from filming to opening day! Will it be an epic period drama, a thrill ride action flick, or some kind of outrageous concept film? You'll have to be there to tell us, and to see all the challeneges it faces between idea and old news.
The ETC team tries to stump one another, as well as our audience with odd, amusing, and little known facts! Can you guess the correct number of peas in a pod, or moons circling Earth? New questions and answers at each show might surprise you! Don't miss this hysterically educational show!
The ETC team pulls out two fun formats in one amazingly fun show!

FIRST: The ETC team wracks their brains with odd, amusing, and little-known facts about Ireland and Irish-American traditions in a special St. Patrick's Day version of Fact Check! Once the battle of wits is over, the facts become the basis of a stream of consciousness improvisation. Where will the cultural oddities of one of our nation's beloved immigrant groups take us?! You'll have to show up to find out!

THEN: It's the cavalcade of short-form improv games our audiences know and love in a round of Vulcan's Underpants! All of your favorites with an extra dose of blarney to get you ready for the greenest holiday until Earth Day!
ETC celebrates 10 years of hilarity with a show full of the very first show's Vulcan's Underpants games, as well as reminiscences, behind the scenes stories, and all kinds of surprises. Whether you've been with us all ten years, or are coming to your first show, we promise a whole bunch of laughter with Birmingham's longest running improvisational theatre company!
When a celebrity who moonlights as some kind of crazy genie decides that love is in the air, he makes it his mission to help love conquer all! After a sports career and a slew of endorsements, our own "Love Shaq" pops in to uncross the stars of romance and help ordinary mortals in their quest for companionship with only his trademark style and some help from the audience. Will the characters manage to fall under his spell, or will they be forever parted never to love again? Only time and our favorite TV pitchman will tell!
Two teams of improvisers face off in a competition of hilarious proportions - but these are the Improv Stars! Simple games are enhanced with daredevil challenges designed to make them really dig deep for a laugh-tastic victory. The audience will judge the contest round-by-round until a winning team is crowned. Don't miss it!
It's your favorite ETC players joined by the casts of Ugly Baby, Chaotic Good Improv, and Gladys! See each team give a taste of their own format, and all four teams playing a free-for-all game of Freeze Tag - all on one stage! Come see all the best that Birmingham has to offer its improv audiences in one special show!
We all remember reading the Cliff's Notes of The Odyssey the night before the test - and barely passing. (Well, at least some of us do...) ETC presents a retelling of this Greek classic that requires no knowledge of Classic Greek - only a healthy disrespect for book-learnin'. Come give Odysseus some wacky challenges to face on his way home from that "Wooden Horse" war, and see how your hosting gods, Athena & Poseidon really get along! And what of Penelope and Telemachus? Don't worry - you'll get to know 'em. Don't miss this hilarious send up of Homer's classic - that even Homer Simpson would love!